BALM OF GILEAD was an ancient, highly-valued salve or ointment which was used to soothe and heal.
Mentioned several times in the Bible and named for the region of Gilead where it was produced, it was a major commodity of trade in the ancient world. Its name became associated with the power to heal and soothe. "There is a Balm in Gilead" is an African-American spiritual that compares the healing balm to the saving power of Jesus - the one true source that never fails to heal our wounds: spirit, soul and body.
Jer 8:21-22 "Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my people?".
"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD...” Jer 30:17
Botanical Information:
Balm of Gilead is a deciduous tree that grows at a fast rate, reaching up to 100 feet tall at maturity. It is a hybrid tree resulting from a cross between the poplar and cottonwood trees. It now commonly refers to the buds of a species of North American poplar.
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Abba's Balm of Gilead anointing oil is a unique blend of pure olive oil from Israel with an essential oil base of Balm of Gilead tree.
Retail Price: $7.00
Customer Retail Price: $7.00
Abba's Balm of Gilead anointing oil is a unique blend of pure olive oil from Israel with an essential oil base of Balm of Gilead tree.
Retail Price: $11.00
Customer Retail Price: $11.00
Abba's Balm of Gilead anointing oil is a unique blend of pure olive oil from Israel with an essential oil base of Balm of Gilead tree.
Retail Price: $12.00
Customer Retail Price: $12.00
Abba's Balm of Gilead anointing oil is a unique blend of pure olive oil from Israel with an essential oil base of the Balm of Gilead tree.
Retail Price: $22.00
Customer Retail Price: $22.00
Abba's Balm of Gilead anointing oil is a unique blend of pure olive oil from Israel with an essential oil base of Balm of Gilead tree.
Retail Price: $34.00
Customer Retail Price: $34.00
Abba's Balm of Gilead anointing oil is a unique blend of pure olive oil from Israel with an essential oil base of Balm of Gilead tree.
Retail Price: $65.00
Customer Retail Price: $65.00
Our custom designed gold box with view window contains a 1/4 oz. bottle of each of our 12 fragrances: Balm of Gilead, Cassia, Cedars of Lebanon, Covenant, Frankincense, Frankincense & Myrrh, Hyssop, King's Garments, Myrrh, Pomegranate, Rose of Sharon and Spikenard. If purchased separately these 12 anointing oils would cost $84.00.
For Re-Sale Must be sold as a Single Unit!
Retail Price: $84.00
Customer Retail Price: $77.00
1/3 oz. Roll-On bottle of each of our 12 fragrances: Balm of Gilead, Cassia, Cedars of Lebanon, Covenant, Frankincense, Frankincense & Myrrh, Hyssop, King's Garments, Myrrh, Pomegranate, Rose of Sharon and Spikenard. If purchased separately these 12 anointing oils would cost $132.
For Re-Sale Must be sold as a Single Unit!
Retail Price: $132.00
Customer Retail Price: $110.00